Visitors are not permitted to enter Blacktown Markets or Lizard Log Markets if they:

  • are experiencing any flu-like symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, persistent cough, shortness of breath, fever);
  • have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 (during the period of time in which the virus is contagious);
  • are awaiting the results of a test for COVID-19;
  • reside with anyone who is awaiting the results of a test for COVID-19;
  • have returned from international travel and failed to observe the government requirement to quarantine for 14 days.

Visitors who are not subject to any of the above conditions for exclusion must be willing and able to agree to the following requirements to:

  • leave the site immediately if they become unwell, after notifying a staff member;
  • at all times, maintain social distancing measures (as per the NSW Health guidelines) with respect to other visitors and staff;
  • maintain good personal hand hygiene by washing their hands regularly and thoroughly and/or using hand sanitiser;
  • maintain good respiratory hygiene by coughing or sneezing into their elbow or a tissue, and then disposing of tissues immediately;
  • provide Blacktown Markets with their name and contact details and consent to Blacktown Markets providing their name and contact details to the NSW Department of Health or any other third-party government department, as required to enable contact tracing procedures;
  • acknowledge that they may be asked to wait, or be refused entry, to Blacktown Markets in the event that the site has reached its total capacity under NSW Health social distancing requirements;
  • respond accurately to the following questions if asked by staff:
    • Are you or anyone you live with currently undergoing testing or awaiting results for the COVID-19 virus?
    • Have you or anyone you live with tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and have not been medically cleared as non-contagious?
    • Do you have any flu-like symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, persistent cough, shortness of breath, fever)?

You enter the carpark and marketplace at your own risk

We are not liable for you or any person with you for:

A. Injury to you or anyone else

B. Damage to or theft of your vehicle

C. Damage or theft of any of your personal belongings

Signage and reasonable requests from market staff are to be followed

Dumping of rubbish is not permitted

The sale of goods without permission from market staff inside the marketplace and carpark boundaries is not permitted

Anti social behaviour and illegal activity is not permitted

Market management reserves the right to refuse entry, evict and/or ban any persons at all times irrespective of that person being in possession of a valid receipt of purchase from us